CWL Christmas crafters inspire Grade 2/3 class
The Grade 2/3 class at Sacred Heart School in Mildmay has been busy studying the Town Crier. They LOVED the front page photo of the flowerpot snowmen created by the Catholic Women’s League in the November 13th issue. Anna Hinsperger found her Grandma Joyce’s snowman, and shared the decoration with the class. With the help of Julia Gutscher and Kailee Liesemer, the Grade 2/3’s were busy elves creating their own flowerpot snowman decorations. Their teacher, Mrs. Kathy Liesemer reports that the students love reading the Town Crier each week! Front row: Olivia, Emily, Emery, Addison, Ella, Marcella, Cohen, Matthew. Middle row: Kailee, Peyton, Noah, Rollin, Diego, Alex, Logan, Kathy. Top row: Kylie, Dylan, Austin, Myia, Anna, Mitchell.