

Colouring Contest – The winner of the Town Crier’s Easter Colouring Contest was Jacks Kraemer! We received so many awesome entries and would like to thank everyone who entered.  Happy Easter!!! 


Happy Canada Day!


This photo appeared in the April 11, 1957 issue of  The Mildmay Gazette: The Mildmay Ladies Curling Club met at the Commercial Hotel and elected the slate of officers pictured above. They are, left to right, back row: Mrs. Celeste Thompson, past vice-president; Mrs. Herb Weber, 2nd vice-president; Miss Beatrice Hergott, 1st vice-president; and Mrs. Frank Fedy, past-president. Front are Mrs. Florian Weiler, secretary and the newly-elected president, Mrs. Anthony Kocher.  (Thank you to Chuck Wendt for sharing this photo!)