Peek at the Past


This group gathered at S.S.S. (Separate School Section) No. 10 (The Stone School) during the Mildmay-Carrick Homecoming 2013.  The school is located on the B-Line, Carrick Twp. 1st row: Shirley Durrer (Metcalfe), Carol Reinhart (Durrer), Barb Reinhart (Gowan), Helen Ruetz (Kieffer), Darlene Durrer (Schiestel), Mary Lang (Dickert), Thelma Reinhart (Walter), Dianne Reinhart (Taylor), Rita Ruetz (Murray), Janice Fischer (Gibson), Sandra Durrer (Inglis), Sharon Haelzle (O’Malley) (in front on ground). 2nd row: Bruce Lang, Jack Reinhart, Mary-Lou Haelzle (Bross), Gerald (Gerry) Bross, Margaret Schwehr (Lipskie), Leona Ruetz (Grubb), Alice Schwehr (Helwig), Barb Schwehr (Durrer), Gertie Schwehr (Briand), Cleo Ditner (O’Malley), Don Lang.  3rd Row: Phyllis Durrer (Wise), Stanley Diemert, Mike Schumacher, Kenneth Durrer, Dennis Bross, Leonard Schwehr. 4th Row: George Ruetz, Charles Kuenzig, Steve Ruetz, Joan Martin (Collins), Gerald Schwehr (face hidden),  Larry Martin,  Doug Schwehr (face hidden), Lloyd (Butch) Durrer, Michael Ruetz.  Teachers at the school included Florentine Kraemer 1952 – 1953,  Mr. Russel Gohl 1954 (first part of  year), Miss Donna McGlynn 1954 – 1958 (started part way through 1954), Miss Ellen Waechter 1958 – 1961,  Mr. Bob Schultz 1961 – 1963, Mrs.  A. Goldthorpe 1963 – 1964, Mr. K. Schenkel 1964 – 1965, Mrs. L. Morison 1965 – 1966. (Thank you to Rita Murray for sharing this photo!)


A peek from the Town Crier’s February 16, 1973 issue – Mildmay residents and local organizations were concerned over the condition of the above store on main street and had requested Village Council to see that something was done “before someone got hurt”. Better known as “Howard’s Grocery Store”, the windows had been broken leaving loose jagged pieces and a shopper received a flat tire from the pieces of glass around the building.   – Town Crier photo


A peek from the Town Crier’s February 19, 2003 issue – Mildmay Broomball held their Annual Awards Presentation and Potluck Lunch. The winners of the Sportsmanship Award were (front l-r) Rebecca Seifried, Derek Russwurm, Amanda Klein, (back) Ben Diebel, Laura Murray, Tim Grubb, Ray Kuntz and Jessica Burgess

Those players who were awarded with trophies for Most Improved Players included (front l-r) Jaclyn Seifried, Braden Weltz, Jill Fortney, (back) Logan Zettler, Jessica Hadwen, Rachel Fortney and Matheson West. Absent for the photo were Corrina Arnold, Dylan Schaus and Evan Weiler.     – Town Crier photos


A peek from the Town Crier files – August 1993 – The Mildmay Swine Committee introduced an interesting competition for the Homecoming Committee in 1993. Teams were to barbecue a whole pig which would be judged and the finished pork was served at the Homecoming’s Pork Barbecue. “The Cavemen” cooked their pig over an open fire and were awarded the $500 first prize. Members of the team included (clockwise from left) Wayne Fischer, Rick Harrison, Dave Mawhinney, Mike Niesen, Ken Weber and Rob Weber.


Pictured is the executive of the 1993 Mildmay-Carrick Homecoming, at a meeting held at the home of Chairman Len Metcalfe. Left to right: Co-Chair Rose Marie Heisz, Secretary John Hafermehl, Treasurer Jane Dietrich, Chair Len Metcalfe, Co-Chair David Johnston.  (Thanks Len for sharing this photo with us!)


A peek from the Town Crier’s January 8, 2003 issue – Above is an old photo of Blair’s Supermarket with the owners and their employees.   The store was located on Teeswater’s main street. Velda Douglas, longtime news correspondent for the Town Crier, submitted the photo and stated at the time “no doubt, this picture will bring back a lot of memories”.


A peek from the Town Crier’s January 19, 1973 issue – The Township of Carrick Council is pictured at their Inaugural Meeting.  Front (l-r): Deputy Reeve Nick Lang, Reeve Mac Metcalfe, Clerk George Pennington. Back: Councillors Herb Waechter, Jerome Durrer, Anthony Berberich, Road Superintendent Vincent Stewart.   

The Village of Mildmay Council is pictured at their Inaugural Meeting.  Front (l-r): Reeve Ted Dietz, Clerk-Treasurer Jean Moyer. Back: Councillors Manford Koenig, Lea Meyer, Art Albert, Keith Campbell.     – Town Crier photos


A peek from the Town Crier’s Wednesday, November 27, 1996 issue – Students at Mildmay’s two schools have been busy in preparations for the “Hanging of the Green”… the young people are lending a hand to help out the Business Association with some special Disney decorations!  Pictured above are some of the members of Mr. Walsh’s Grade 8 class at Sacred Heart School. Back (l-r): April Wells, Marsha Fischer, Laura Dosman, Katie Durrer, Mr. Walsh. Front (l-r): Kristie Meyer, Tammy Fischer, Tiffany Bester, Nicole Batte, Carrie Newton, Cliff Grubb.

At Mildmay-Carrick Public School, the Crier camera caught (l-r) Jessica Yenssen, Alison Jacques, Tammy Orr and Caileigh Bastian busy with their contributions to the “Hanging of the Green” decorations.  – Town Crier photos


A peek from the Town Crier’s Tuesday, December 8, 1992 issue – Mrs. Claus is seen here putting the numerous waterproofed decorations brought to the live Christmas tree at Mildmay’s Hanging of the Green. The kids also delivered their letters to Santa in the big mailbox at the Post Office.     – Town Crier photo