A peek from the Town Crier’s November 2, 1993 issue – Members of the Thursday Night Mildmay-Carrick Men’s Horseshoe League paused for a moment following their Awards Night wearing their new sweaters. Front (l-r): Doug Hinsperger, Manford “Doc” Koenig, Francis “Nook” Schmalz, Tony Wise 1993 President, Brian Durrer 1994 President, Dave Huber Vice-President, Wayne Huber. Second row (l-r): Art Albert, Jim Borth, Bob Dietz, Ralph Dickson, Hugh Detzler, Skip Rogers, Jerome Durrer, Pete Liesemer, Dwight Metcalfe, Glen Gebhardt, Don Schnurr, John Schmidt, Bruce Huber, Huck Schnurr, Gary Schneider, George Culbert. Back row (l-r): Jack Schwehr, Mel Kopperson, Mike Schwehr, Jerome Fischer, Walter Wiseman, Rick Bross, Roger Schaus, Tim Bross, Simon Huber, Ray Kramer, Brian Fischer. Missing from the photo was George Strauss, John Hafermehl and Kevin Koenig. – Town Crier photo