A peek from the Town Crier’s Tuesday, October 2, 1990 issue

A peek from the Town Crier’s Tuesday, October 2, 1990 issue


A peek from the Town Crier’s Tuesday, October 2, 1990 issue – Top photo:  It took two to hold the big potato (over 3 lbs) grown out at the Charles Fischer Carrick Township farm. Grandchildren, Billy and Katie Devlin (son and daughter of John & Rosemary Devlin of Mildmay) are hoping that the spud (with a girth of 21”) will produce them a lot of potato chips. Next photo:  Meanwhile, Seraphin Ruetz of RR#5 Mildmay says he’s never seen such a good year for potatoes… he’s had some 4 and 5 pounders, but had more fun giving this odd shaped spud a button face and a veil hat which certainly drew attention this past week at the Crier.