Warm Bistro Salad with Grilled Veal Chops Impress your family and friends and serve this delicious bistro salad. Preparation Time: 20 minutesBaking Time: 50 minutesGrilling Time: 18 minutesServes 4 to 6 1/4 cup (50 mL) each melted butter and vegetable oil2 tbsp (25 mL) red wine vinegar1 tbsp (15 mL) each dried thyme leaves and Dijon mustard2 tsp (10 mL) Ontario Honey4 cloves Ontario Garlic, minced1/2 cup (125 mL) Ontario Sour Cream4 Ontario Yellow Fleshed Potatoes, cut into chunks1 Ontario Onion, cut into wedgesSalt and freshly ground pepper3 Ontario Beets, peeled and cut into wedges12 oz (375 g) Ontario Crimini Mushrooms4 Ontario Veal Rib Chops (about 250 g each)1 head Ontario Romaine Lettuce2 oz (60 g) Ontario Chévre, crumbled2 tbsp (25 mL) chopped fresh Ontario Parsley In small bowl, whisk together butter, 3 tbsp (45 mL) of the oil, vinegar, thyme, mustard, honey and garlic. Remove 2 tbsp (25 mL) of the mixture into another small bowl; stir in sour cream. Refrigerate. In 9” x 13” (3.5 L) baking dish, toss potatoes and onion with 3 tbsp (45 mL) of the herb mixture. Season with salt and pepper and arrange in even layer. In small baking dish, toss beets with 1 tbsp (15 mL) of the herb mixture; cover with foil. Place dishes, side-by-side in 425°F (220°C) oven, Bake until tender about 50 minutes, tossing potatoes occasionally. Keep warm. In medium bowl, toss mushrooms with 2 tbsp (25 mL) of the herb mixture; thread onto metal skewers. Season chops with salt and pepper. Place skewers and chops on greased grill over medium-high heat. Grill, covered, turning twice, for 12 minutes or until mushrooms are tender and chops reach internal temperature of 145°F (73°C) for medium-rare. Brush chops with remaining herb mixture during the last 2 minutes of grilling. Rest for 5 minutes. Cut lettuce into quarters, keeping base intact to hold lettuce together. Brush cut sides of lettuce with remaining oil. Turn off heat, grill lettuce over remaining heat just until grill marked, 1 to 2 minutes. Arrange lettuce, chops and skewers on large board. Sprinkle with cheese and parsley. Serve potatoes, onions and beets on the side with remaining sour cream sauce. Nutritional Information:1 Serving (When recipe serves 6):PROTEIN: 38 gramsFAT: 27 gramsCARBOHYDRATE: 30 gramsCALORIES: 520FIBRE: 5 gramsSODIUM: 790 mg – Printed with permission from Foodland Ontario