A flashback from the 1984 Mildmay-Carrick Homecoming.Susan and Karen at the Town Crier wish everyone a SAFE & HAPPY 2023 HOMECOMING! Cheers!
A flashback from the 1984 Mildmay-Carrick Homecoming.Susan and Karen at the Town Crier wish everyone a SAFE & HAPPY 2023 HOMECOMING! Cheers!
A peek from the Town Crier’s January 12, 1993 issue – 1993 Homecoming Committee Chairman Len Metcalfe (back) is shown presenting some of the souvenir gifts to three young Mildmay residents who entered the Homecoming Slogan Contest last year. Left to right: Tonya Schmalz, Curtis Schmalz and Debbie Brown who each entered the slogan “The Place to Be in ‘93” which has been incorporated into the logo and appears on all the Homecoming souvenir items and printed material. (Hey! That’s one of Co-chairs of the 2023 Homecoming in the middle!) – Town Crier photo
A peek from the Town Crier’s August 6, 2003 issue – This full page “Snoopy Snap” photo was titled Mildmay-Carrick Homecoming’s Grand “Bang” Finale! (This year’s Homecoming fireworks show will take place on Monday, August 7 at dusk.)
A peek from the Town Crier’s August 28, 2013 issue – The School Reunions were well attended at the Mildmay-Carrick Homecoming 2013. Photo at top: This group had fun reminiscing at the Sacred Heart School Reunion. Left to right: Liz (Voisin) Tourangeau, Yvonne (Hesch) Boniface, Irene (Walters) Kieffer, Rosemary (Fedy) Lavelle, Maurice Voisin, Shirley (Walters) Schwehr, Jan (Voisin) Johnson, Valerie (Hesch) Reeves amd Joan (Voisin) Collins.
The gym at Mildmay-Carrick Public School was filled with photos and memorabilia as well as people!- Town Crier photos by Barbara JonesThis year’s School Reunions will be held on Saturday, August 5, 2023 from 2:30 – 4:00 pm. Plan to attend!
A peek from the Town Crier’s August 17, 1973 issue – The Town Crier sponsored a Tortoise & Hare Race at the 1973 Mildmay-Carrick Old Boys’ Reunion. Seven turtles were entered in their portion of the event. Sherrie Dahms’ 12 year old turtle “Touche” was the first to cross the finish line. – Town Crier photo
These are photos from the 1958 Carrick Centennial and Mildmay Old Boys Reunion. On July 1, 1958 a two hour parade consisting of 60 floats and comic vehicles took place and was led by the Durham District High School Trumpet Band. Thanks to Pete Liesemer for sharing the photos! Plan to be a part of the Mildmay-Carrick Homecoming 2023 parade. Register your entry now!
A peek from the Town Crier’s July 30, 2003 issue – This Carrick property at Concession 6 on the Elora Road was named as the rural property “first place winners” in the 9th Mildmay-Carrick Home Decorating Contest. Members of the Bruce and Bonny Fischer family are pictured at one of the segments of their entry which got the nod from the judges. They received an engraved photo album and $30 Business Dollars. Register now for the Homecoming 2023 House Decorating Contest… the deadline is July 1! – Town Crier photo
A peek from the Town Crier’s August 21, 1984 issue – The Bed Races are always a popular event at Mildmay-Carrick Homecomings. This group of Mildmayites were captured by the Crier camera just prior to the race in 1984. The 2023 Bed Races are scheduled for Monday, August 7. Enter your team online at mildmaycarrickhomecoming.ca – Town Crier photo
This is a class photo from Mildmay Separate School 1960-61. It was submitted by Lisa Martin who found it at her mom’s home. The first names have been written on the photo. The only people Lisa could identify were Brenda Ernewein (bottom row, second from left) and Keith Campbell Jr. (bottom row, third from right). Are any of our Town Crier readers able to identify the students?
A peek from the Town Crier’s Friday, April 13, 1973 issue – Brown Owl Mrs. Carol Walters presents the first Brownie “Golden Hands” to five members of the 1st Mildmay Pack during enrolment. Left to right: Karen Fischer, Susan Hafermehl, Penney Culbert, Laurie Beggs and Joanne Goetz. – Town Crier photo