Peek at the Past


A peek from the Town Crier files – February 15, 2006 – The Mildmay Novice Girls Hockey Team made history as being the first girls hockey team from Mildmay to win the International Women’s Silver Stick Championship!  The girls played in the Novice “C” division and did not have one goal scored against them!! Front row (l-r): Tori Kupferschmidt, Tabrina Goetz, Miranda Lantz, Rachelle Ruetz, Hannah Niesen, Joanne Rae. Back row: Steve Lantz (Coach), Kelli Hoffarth, Laura Girdler, Jocelyn Campbell, Ciara Lark, Rachel Borth, Cassidy Becker, Dennis Becker (Assistant Coach).  -Town Crier photo


A peek from the Town Crier files – Tuesday, February 25, 1986 – Ralph Dickson of RR#1 Clifford had a rare happening at his farm when one of his Suffolk ewes gave birth to quadruplets!  All four were progressing very well at the time of the photo and Mom and all the “kids” were being shy when the Crier photographer tried to take this photo. Ralph noted that he had lots of triplet births but this was his first set of quads.


A peek from the Town Crier files – Tuesday, February 11, 1986 – Pictured are the members of the Mildmay-Carrick Figure Skating Club who participated in the Blue Star Interclub Competitions held in Durham. Front (l-r): Christie Binkley, Erin Kueneman, Kari Detzler, Colleen Ranger, Krista Kramer. Back: Laurie Hinsperger, Karla Becker, James Goetz, Tracey Detzler, Laura Illerbrunn, Joe Kieffer, Tammy Grubb, Kendra Becker.   – Crier photo


A peek from the Town Crier files – January 23, 1976 – The first International Hockey game in Mildmay was played on New Year’s Day between a Midget hockey team from Kusnacht, Switzerland and the Mildmay Midgets.  The Swiss team was playing a series of six games in Canada, two of them in Forest (their home base for this tour), one in Parkhill, one in Mitchell, one in Ripley and one game in Mildmay.  Over 600 fans turned out for the event, which ended in a 10-8 victory for the Swiss team (that included an empty net goal). A treat for hockey fans who attended the game was when Karl Bertschinger played this Alpine Horn.


A peek from the Town Crier files – Wednesday, January 24, 1996 – A grand total of 11 new members officially joined the Mildmay Cubs bringing the membership up to a total of 17. The second year members are seated in the front row and they are (left to right) Curtis Grubb, Peter Edgington, Russ Fischer, Curtis Weber, Will Nickel and Joseph Fortney. The new members are (second row l-r) Luke Lorenz, Colin Grubb, Andrew Canning, Zachary Weber, Adam Kuntz, Sydney Smith, (third row l-r) Scott Niesen, Clayton Beitz, Michael Allen, Curtis Voisin and George Dickert. The group’s leaders include (back row l-r) Shawna Diemert, Sarah Diemert, Carrie-Lynn Weber and Dave Allen. The Mildmay Rotary Club is the sponsor of Mildmay Scouting.

– Crier photo


A peek from the Town Crier files – January 28, 1986 – A CN employee shows the height of the snowdrift that derailed the train snowplow just north of Mildmay on January 14th.  A tractor snowblower was brought in to clear the snow around the unit.   –Town Crier photo


A peek from the Town Crier files – January 23, 1976 – Jack Bross (right) representing the Mildmay Businessmen, presents vouchers valued at $100.00 to two of the five winners of the Christmas Shopping program. Receiving the vouchers are Mrs. R. Chambers (left) of RR#4 Harriston and Mrs. Allan Goetz (centre) of Mildmay.  – Crier photo


A peek from the Town Crier files – Friday, December 17th, 1965 –  A good crowd was on hand, despite the rain Saturday, to witness the Businessmen’s Santa Claus Parade here in Mildmay. Of course like all such occasions, it was the appearance of Santa which highlighted the day. Here he is shown with his reindeer and three Christmas gift boxes.           – Town Crier photo


A peek from the Town Crier files – December 21, 1978 – The 3rd Annual Santa Claus Parade held under the sponsorship of the Mildmay & District Lions Club took place on Saturday, December 16th.  Some of the entries included the Hanover Majorettes, Hill & Dale Riders Snowmobile Club, Mike’s Sharpall (Mike Strauss) and the Durham Girls Band.  Santa rode in an old fashioned sleigh pulled by a team of horses owned by Ed Reinhart of Carrick Township


A peek from the Town Crier files – Friday, December 31st, 1965 – Here is the executive of the Mildmay Ladies’ Curling Club who will be guiding the members during the present 1965-66 season just underway. Left-right: Josephine Hundt, secretary; Vivian Schwalm, vice-president; Dorothy Johnston, president; and Harriet Schumacher, treasurer.        – Crier photo