A peek from the Town Crier’s Wednesday, March 6, 2002 issue

A peek from the Town Crier’s Wednesday, March 6, 2002 issue


A peek from the Town Crier’s Wednesday, March 6, 2002 issue – Shown above are the Gold Medal winners from the Science Fair projects that were judged at the Mildmay-Carrick Public School. Back row (l-r): Trevor Reuber (Hovercrafts), Matheson West (Slippery Dippery), Marshall Gayman (Space Invasion), Nicole Barnes (D.T. Fusion), Brian Beitz (Light Work), Alayna Weigel (DNA), Cara Culbert (Care Icicles), Jake Reid  (Awesome Acoustics), Ben Diebel (Up In Flames). Front row (l-r): Lisa Rae (Phototropism), Sadie Niesen (Will Birdseed Grow), Taylor Russell (Do Plants Grow Towards Light), Sarah Gray (Road Salt vs. The Environment), Shani Schierholtz (The Brain), Lea Oberle (The Kidneys), Tiffany Doerr (The Kidneys), Curtis Cho (Lights and Shadows).                                                                                        – Town Crier photo