A peek from the Town Crier’s September 26, 2001 issue

A peek from the Town Crier’s September 26, 2001 issue


A peek from the Town Crier’s September 26, 2001 issue – Mildmay-Carrick “Friends of the Library” were a very enthusiastic group on September 20, 2001, when they made the FINAL PAYMENT to the Municipality of South Bruce ($63,414.00) they bridge financed just ONE YEAR AGO.  Front (l-r): Treasurer Kathy Liesemer presents the cheque to South Bruce Treasurer Dave Johnston while watching on is Friends Chair Bob Markle, Deputy Reeve Keith Campbell, Councillor Dave Wood. Centre (l-r): Karen Ruetz, Mary Weber, Pat Markle, Dorothy Devlin, Connie Bohnert, Jane Grubb. Back (l-r): Clare Willard, Helen Park, Trudy Fowler, Rita Ruetz, Chris Yahbee, Diane Schuett, Greg Roberts. Absent from photo: Dolores Schmidt, Marsha Roberts, Mary Fischer, Andrea Smith, Susan Bross, John Hafermehl.     – Town Crier photo