A peek from the Town Crier files – October 18th, 1995

A peek from the Town Crier files – October 18th, 1995


A peek from the Town Crier files – October 18th, 1995 – On October 10th fifteen young girls became the first official “Sparks” group in Mildmay!  The members are: front (l-r)-  Caitlin Kerr, Brittany Kieffer, Vanessa Seifried, (the group’s Mascot), Megan Bross, Abby Bester, Corrina Arnold. Middle (l-r)- Rita Eckensweiler, Laurel Hoffarth,  Amanda Klein, Kelsey Kraemer, Gillian Fischer, Lauren Steffler, Jessica Bruder, Alicia Kuntz and Breanne Dietrich. The leaders are (back l-r) – Barb Beitz (Crystal), Tiffany Bester (Sparkley) and Darlene Kraemer (Diamond). Mary Tally (back row right) District Commissioner presented the girls with their Sparks pins and welcomed them to the Guiding movement.     – Crier photo