A peek back to 1961

A peek back to 1961


This school photo is from 1961 and was taken at S.S. #12 Carrick. Front row (l-r): John Grubb, Diane Dietz, Diane Dickert, Doug Wiseman, Betty-Ann Lorentz, Ron McIntosh. 2nd row: Fred Baetz, Jean Dickert, Joyce Dickert, Virginia Hinsperger, John Schaefer, Joe Grubb, Bill Lorentz, Dennis Losch.  3rd row: Jim Grubb, Dave Hinsperger, Lucy Dickert, Bob Schaus, Kathy Lorentz, Carl Fischer, John Polfuss, Grace Wettlaufer, Jean Dietz.  Back row: Teacher Mrs. Weirmeyer, Marlene Losch, Jean Fischer, Margaret McIntosh, Ken Polfuss, Doug Schaus, Mary-Lou Schaefer, Don Dietz, Philip Grubb. Thanks to Diane Speers for submitting this photo!