A peek from the Town Crier’s Friday, September 8, 1967 issue – Considerable interest was aroused in the Village last week when the huge machine pictured above rolled into town. The equipment was set up in the sawmill yard of Schwalm Lumber Co. Ltd. and is known as a debarker machine… removes the bark off the logs prior to cutting in the mill. Although the machines are made at Winn Michigan, by the Morbark Co., in Canada they have expanded to North Bay. Reps from the firm are shown with the machine, Mr. Norman Ball (operator) and Mr. H.G. “Mel” Mellow (salesman). The machine can debark approx. three sixteen-foot logs per minute. It was set up here for two days coming here from the Walkerton area and the equipment was to go from here to Mitchell and thence to Strathroy. – Town Crier photo
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