A peek from the Town Crier’s Friday, June 24, 1977 issue

A peek from the Town Crier’s Friday, June 24, 1977 issue


A peek from the Town Crier’s Friday, June 24, 1977 issue – Shown above are some of the members of the Mildmay Jets Girls Broomball Team and friends who took part in a Walk-A-Thon for the Mildmay and Belmore Arena funds. Front (left to right): Sandra Durrer, Chris Inglis, Janet Haelzle. Middle row: Charlene Stroeder, Charlene Reinhart, Anne Dietz, Patty Haelzle, Joyce Weber, Barb Haelzle. Back row: Bill Robson, “Butch” Durrer, Bob Dietz, Earl Weber, Murray Schneider, Marilyn Bell, Dwight Metcalfe. Absent were Donna Baynton and Doug Inglis.    – Town Crier photo